Victrix Pro FS-12 Review
The Victrix by PDP Pro FS-12 is a leverless controller that comes in white or purple. The fightstick edition comes in white or purple too.
The PlayStation 5 may be your go-to console whenever you want to have fun, and if you are a fighting gamer, you need an arcade controller!
The Victrix by PDP Pro FS-12 is a leverless controller that comes in white or purple. The fightstick edition comes in white or purple too.
ENTH is the Italian inventor of the KRM buttons and many unique controllers, such as the elegant NE-AS model.
The critically acclaimed Nacon Daija makes a comeback with added features, returning features, and different artworks.
New Zealand's finest offers its Gen 2 V2.1 controller that is available in leverless, mixbox, and fightstick editions.
SaveYourGames brings you the Impact all-buttons controller that can come with a Brook PCB and Kailh switches.
Acrycade Gear's high end controller comes in leverless, mixbox, or fightstick versions, including custom artwork and more.
Spain's BattleMonkey released a controller that can be ordered in all button, WASD, or fightstick format with many customization options.
The Furin FRS is the long awaited sequel that boasts modular capabilities and is available in leverless & mixbox formats.