B0XX Review
Just when you thought the Smash Box is the only way to play Smash with an all-buttons controller, 20XX made this sophisticated controller.
A box controller is a controller that is used to play Super Smash Bros. Perhaps the two main pioneers of the category are the Smash Box and B0XX.
Those looking for an all-key box controller with the Smash community's preferred layout are in luck because of the HTangl.
The Frame1 calls itself the most advanced in its class, and it is quite reminiscent of the B0XX but with enough differences.
El Clasico is an artsy alternative to the Smash Box that may step up your Smash performance at the next tournament.
Stickless offers some of the most customizable controllers in the history of the fighting game community, including performance & appearance.
With its innovative design, the Alt Lab Controllers Smash Stick Analog Arcade Stick is one of the most promising fightsticks to have ever existed in fightstick history and will likely soothe the appetites of analog lovers.
The team behind the Hit Box brings its prowess over to the Super Smash Bros realm. Beginners and intermediates alike might find an appeal in this precise and ergonomic piece of hardware.