UMS Ultra Bubblebox Review
Cop the Bubblebox in DIY or premade formats in the layout and color of your choice to conquer Smash tournaments!
The platform that an arcade controller works on may be a lead factor in your decision regarding whether or not to buy that controller.
Cop the Bubblebox in DIY or premade formats in the layout and color of your choice to conquer Smash tournaments!
SaveYourGames brings you the Impact all-buttons controller that can come with a Brook PCB and Kailh switches.
Acrycade Gear's high end controller comes in hitbox, mixbox, or fightstick versions, including custom artwork and more.
The 801 Workshop Fighting Game Controller is a pad hack of the Hori Gaming Commander OCTA that became a mini hitbox.
This mini hitbox by ZUIDID is powered by the Pico Fighting Board and features LED, SOCD cleaning, and more.
Monoprice extends its Dark Matter line into the world of fightsticks, with this model bringing back a well known white-label enclosure.
Spain's BattleMonkey released a controller that can be ordered in all button, WASD, or fightstick format with many customization options.
The Caffeinated Artists carry three fightstick models made of wood & resin, and they are plug-and-play for the PC.