Skullbox Review
The Skullbox Leverless Arcade Controller is smaller & thinner than average and has proprietary SkullCaps that mimic the Sanwa feel.
The Xbox One is no stranger to fighting games, and it is no stranger to arcade sticks as well, so check out the arcade sticks you can use with it.
The Skullbox Leverless Arcade Controller is smaller & thinner than average and has proprietary SkullCaps that mimic the Sanwa feel.
The Mayflash F700 is a wireless arcade stick that has many compatibility options as well as customizable artwork.
Order your Kombox Impact preassembled with Sanwa buttons or in DIY format, and there is a joystick edition too.
The Haute42 M16 can also be a WASD controller. As for the M13 edition, it has three less buttons than the M16.
The Glyph is a modular all-button controller that is available in layouts for games from Smash to Street Fighter.
The G series of Haute42 controllers can come in 16, 13, or 12 button editions in order to cater to your needs.
Donte Wilson is your guy if you are looking for stickless wooden controllers that have stylish button LED.
The MakeStick Pro Crystal Edition is a transparent custom case that can also be colored, and custom art is an option as well.