Mayflash F300 Elite Review
The F300 Elite is a step up from the vanilla edition due to the inclusion of Sanwa parts, a surefire way to enhance performance.
Sometimes, the brand of the fighting game controller that you choose is the defining factor regarding if that controller is great.
The F300 Elite is a step up from the vanilla edition due to the inclusion of Sanwa parts, a surefire way to enhance performance.
Stickless offers some of the most customizable controllers in the history of the fighting game community, including performance & appearance.
Mixboxarcade created a controller that combines arcade buttons with keyboard arrows and crafted it with much dedication.
This Acrycade Gear fightstick has a pulsating aesthetic that is accompanied by other perks that could catch your eye.
Classy and easily customizable, Hori gives current generation players a great fightstick to conquer their fighting game of choice. Included are all of your state-of-the-art features.
Accessory dependence and modding difficulty aside, DragonSlay's only contribution to the current generation of fightsticks is the Universal Arcade Stick that is multiplatform and available in two colors.
GameSir scores a touchdown with its only contribution to its generation's market with spectacular performance and unique artwork.
The Deluxe Arcade Controller Kit is one of the many fightstick offerings by Monster Joysticks for the Raspberry Pi.