Acrycade Gear Musato Overview
Acrycade Gear's high end controller comes in leverless, WASD, or fightstick versions, including custom artwork and more.
A WASD controller often has a combination of WASD keys on the left and arcade buttons on the right. Of course, there can be other variations as well.
Acrycade Gear's high end controller comes in leverless, WASD, or fightstick versions, including custom artwork and more.
Spain's BattleMonkey released a controller that can be ordered in all button, WASD, or fightstick format with many customization options.
The FightBox M8 is a metallic & acrylic hitstick that comes with Sanwa and Baolian buttons as well as a Sanwa joystick.
The Furin FRS is the long awaited sequel that boasts modular capabilities and is available in leverless & WASD formats.
You can order or 3D print the MojuBox modular controller that can also be engraved with artwork to reflect your interests.
The Excellence controller comes in a whopping 20 variations! As the great George Bruno once said, "Pursue excellence, and excellence will pursue you."
This controller can be ordered in several colors, whether that is for the enclosure or the keycaps. It is also available in WASD format.
As expected, the VM6 by ASI is a class act and can be ordered in fightstick or WASD formats with custom art.