Mayflash F500 FLAT Review
Mayflash decided to enter the stickless market with the F500 FLAT that has two extra buttons for Street Fighter 6 and beyond.
The Xbox One is no stranger to fighting games, and it is no stranger to arcade sticks as well, so check out the arcade sticks you can use with it.
Mayflash decided to enter the stickless market with the F500 FLAT that has two extra buttons for Street Fighter 6 and beyond.
The Granola Summit is an open source PLA Pro controller that has a port for additional console compatibility.
The FightBox K1 can come in white or black as well as K2 & K10 editions that have a joystick and more buttons respectively.
Just when you thought the T16 could not get any better, Haute42 gave us the T16-C with fast Crystal switches.
The button layout of the Meisterbox M from Bavaria is supposed to make it the most ergonomic fighting game controller.
The ST is a primarily stickless controller that is made of inox steel, has a see-through bottom panel, and glows in different colors.
The Mini•Dub is a smaller version of the 4TW by jonyfraze, and the primary difference is how the edges are mostly straight.
The VM6R offers multiple layouts and can be ordered as a case or preassembled. It also features both Iris and Lolli tech.