Razer Atrox Review

Razer Atrox Xbox One
ReleaseJuly 11, 2014
CompatibilityXSX / XB1 / PC
Dimensions18.5” x 12.7” x 6.6”
Cable4 m
Weight9.33 lbs

Quick Facts

  • There is a detachable screw-lock USB cable.
  • There is an additional Korean joystick.
  • A screwdriver is included.
  • One touch provides access to internal storage.
  • The top plate is interchangeable.


The joystick and buttons of the Razer Atrox Xbox One are the high quality that is expected. They are sturdy and will last a long time even with the most aggressive hands and fingers.

After a lag test utilizing pressing one button at the same time on both sides of a screen, the Atrox responded well, scoring more inputs than average. That means that the PCB is faster.


The Atrox is medium sized and has a plastic feel. The removable USB cable can be stored inside the unit. Opening the storage can be done with the press of one button. This is also where the Korean joystick and other accessories can be found. The honeycomb structure enables easy mounting, and wires can be easily and quickly swapped.

There is even space for any unrelated item that the player would like to store, such as a protein bar to last through tournaments. The storage space means that the unit is actually hollow, which might make it feel less solid than other arcade sticks. However, the learning curve is not that steep.


The Atrox continues the tradition of the Matrix-like artwork, but it offers little change from its predecessor. Fortunately, changing the artwork is easy as it is under clear plastic, which can be simply removed for a replacement. Consider ordering our custom artwork service. Check out this Potemkin art drawn by Carlos Rios:

Potemkin artwork
Potemkin artwork


The only real argument against this arcade stick would be the plastic feel, but as long as the arcade stick is earning you wins, it is a good investment.

  • Solid performance
  • Easily moddable
  • Feels plastic
  • Repeated artwork


