Haute42 T16-C Review

Haute42 T16-C
Compatibility*NS / PC / RPi / Android
Dimensions11.7″ x 7.7″ x 0.5″
Weight2 lbs
Cable3 m
*The BOOTER 5 is needed for PlayStation 5 compatibility.


When it came out, it literally changed the fightstick industry as we know it, and despite its affordable price tag: it was huge—with more buttons than a Star Trek command center. That, folks, was the Haute42 T16.

With the T16-C, the award winning Haute42 wanted to do something a little different… You see, this sequel controller brings back the same 16 button goodness, but this time already installed with Crystal switches! Before we dive into what these switches can do for you, let us first do a brief unboxing. Shall we?


When you buy a brand new T16-C, the following freebies should be included with your purchase:

  • Extra function buttons
  • Extra switch
  • Keycap puller
  • Bottom feet
  • White USB-C cable
  • Instruction manual


So, what is the big deal about Crystal switches? The fact of the matter is they are:

  • Linear
  • Pretty fast
  • Low in profile
  • Quieter than most

Still, Crystal switches are not everyone’s jam. In that case—and if you would like to swap out these switches—the compatible switch options include clicky, tactile, and of course, linear.

That said, the T16-C has enough buttons to dominate your opponents in a game of Street Fighter 6 using mechanics like the Drive Impact. Not only that, the controller also allows you to use it like a WASD controller, so yes, this is a double layout controller. In any case, you can go for the T12-C edition with only a dozen buttons if you wish.

Something interesting about the T16-C is that its keycaps are all 30 mm instead of just the jump button being that big. Thankfully, you can install other keycaps if you like—including a smaller size—but make sure they are low profile.

The T16-C passed a rigorous lab test, which included testing its turbo mode. Essentially, turbo is for pressing a button only once and having that single press result in multiple inputs. Talk about low effort! Oh, and the input lag is less than a millisecond, which is negligible.

Back to turbo, it is one of the function buttons you can find on the T16-C in addition to:

  • Touchpad
  • PS/home
  • Share/back
  • Options/start

To get an idea about the size of the T16-C, it is bigger than most laptops and tablets, so it can fit well on your precious lap. Want to play with it on your desk instead? No problem, this bad boy is suitable for more than one surface type. Just a word of advice: install the feet that come with the controller to prevent sliding (and scratching).

In case you have not already noticed the tiny OLED screen featured on the T16-C, it shows you valuable intel like:

  • Input mode
  • Directional mode
  • SOCD cleaning mode

Speaking of SOCD cleaning, the T16-C strives to be tournament legal via the usual modes like neutral, up priority, and last input priority.


In spite of being thin, the top panel of the T16-C should not bend when you deliberately press on it. Basically, the controller can be described as an acrylic sandwich, and the layers include:

  1. Thick acrylic on top
  2. PCB layer
  3. Transparent layer
  4. Frosted acrylic at the bottom

Let us touch briefly on the aforementioned PCB layer. The T16-C runs on the critically acclaimed RP2040, and the USB-C port conveniently emerges out of the center back. When the port is working, it pleasantly blinks white.

That is not the only USB port, however. There is actually a USB-A port on the right side of the T16-C, which is where you can insert an adapter like the BOOTER 5 to boost the controller’s compatibility (without having to spend your hard earned salary on a whole new controller).

By the way, the keycaps have grooves under them, so you can use a screwdriver to pop them off if needed. Pop! As for the screws at the bottom of the T16-C, consider using something like a Philips PH0 precision screwdriver.


This controller is elegant and with chamfered edges. It becomes a real beauty when the RGB LED of its buttons glow. Truth be told, most acrylic controllers show fingerprint smudges, and the T16-C is no different, but because its PCB is white, it is hard to see any smudges—which you can wipe off with a cloth anyway.

Let us wrap up with a bang: the artwork of this beautiful controller is customizable, making it represent your personality. We at The Arcade Stick are excited to provide you our own art service. For example, this T13 art was made by our James Tran, who can make art for your T16-C as well:



Just when you thought the T16 could not get any better, Haute42 gave us the T16-C with fast Crystal switches.

  • 16 or 12 buttons
  • Double layout
  • Replaceable keycaps
  • Swappable switches
  • Larger size
  • Slim & strong
  • Bottom feet
  • Extendable compatibility
  • Customizable art
  • Shiny LED
  • OLED screen
  • Free stuff!
  • One button size


