Foe Hammer Shop Review

Foe Hammer Shop leverless
PriceFoe Hammer Shop
CompatibilityPS5 / PS4 / PS3 / XSX / XB1 / NS / WU / PC
Dimensions15.5″ x 10″ x 2.5″
Weight6.5 lbs


Foe Hammer Shop (also known as Mountain Heir) is a family-run business based in Colorado that has been in operation since 2010 after a year of cleaning up fightsticks bought on eBay for neighbors. One branch is run by Sheppard in the Colorado Springs, and another branch is run by Doug in Denver.


Sanwa joysticks and buttons are typically used, but that is up to the customer. You can even opt for Seimitsu buttons as the function buttons on the sides, and you can choose the number of those buttons.

If you go for a Sanwa joystick, you can modify it to custom-tailor it to your taste. Sanwa parts are known for responsivity and durability. Snap-in buttons are viable.

When interviewed about the controllers’ layouts, Sheppard impressively stated the following: “haven’t had a request we were unable to accommodate”.

Build size and weight can vary, which can influence your performance. You can go for a build that is large enough to accommodate your wrists and heavy enough not to slide around without feeling uncomfortable on your lap. For table play, there are feet at the bottom to prevent sliding. Also offered is anti-slip rubber/foam.


Foe Hammer controllers are often made of wood and plexiglass/acrylic. An example of wood is hickory. Also offered is a variety of wood sealers and finishes.

Regarding compatibility, a combination of Brook PCBs and Neutrik passthroughs is often used. You can go for a Brook UFB Fusion PCB to diversify your build’s compatibility. Also, a detachable cable is provided.

To access the inside of a Foe Hammer controller, you are usually four to six screws away from opening up the bottom. Note that your build may require you to remove the plexiglass top and buttons to swap out a lever.


Foe Hammer controllers can have the colors and art of your choice. Offered is a variety of custom paint. If paint is involved, it could include professional grade automotive colors, candy, metal flake, and clear finishes.

Foe Hammer Shop may even perform “shou sugi ban” on your build, which is an ancient Japanese technique that chars wood with fire to preserve it. By the way, you can just order a build as raw wood from Foe Hammer Shop or have it pre-painted and coated for you.

As for LED, Foe Hammer Shop offers Kaimana button LEDs in addition to LED strips to make a controller glow. The anti-slip rubber/foam that you can get can be customized with laser cut designs.

When it comes to custom art, Foe Hammer Shop offers custom designed, printed, and lasered artwork. If you need a source of art, we at The Arcade Stick offer a custom art service.


Foe Hammer Shop offers a variety of wooden fighting game controllers with enough options for analysis paralysis.

  • Masterful woodworking
  • Diverse compatibility
  • Size & weight variety
  • Endless layouts
  • Premium parts
  • Laser designs
  • Customizable art
  • Detachable cable
  • Anti-sliding
  • LED options
  • DIY or preassembled




Foe Hammer Shop