Skullbox Review
The Skullbox Leverless Arcade Controller is smaller & thinner than average and has proprietary SkullCaps that mimic the Sanwa feel.
The Nintendo Switch is one of the main platforms that arcade sticks are often compatible with, and it has some decent fighting games to play.
The Skullbox Leverless Arcade Controller is smaller & thinner than average and has proprietary SkullCaps that mimic the Sanwa feel.
The pandemic inspired the inception of Wood Tier Customs as a woodworking studio that makes enclosures, sometimes prebuilt.
The Ekkusu Fight Controller is a leverless controller that is thicker than average, allowing it to use premium buttons like Sanwa.
With the KBHX-01, you get a mini WASD controller available in different colors and can even work on the PS5 with a dongle.
The Mayflash F700 is a wireless arcade stick that has many compatibility options as well as customizable artwork.
The KBHX-02 could very well be the first fighting game controller with ventilation in the history of humankind.
Order your Kombox Impact preassembled with Sanwa buttons or in DIY format, and there is a joystick edition too.
The Atachon BEATdown is an all-key controller that looks like a cassette tape, and it has extra keys for the left pinky & right thumb.