2nd Stage Creations Aquarius Mini Review
This is a handmade mini all-button controller that can be altered according to your tastes and preferences.
2021 had to be one of the most prolific years in the history of fighting game controllers when it comes to how many innovative controllers came out.
This is a handmade mini all-button controller that can be altered according to your tastes and preferences.
The MakeStick X Prime is a banger by IST Mall that is also available in a Knee Edition for Tekken fans and enthusiasts.
3D printers can make the mini Flatbox controller at home or simply order it preassembled for maximal convenience.
The Taito Egret II Mini Control Panel can be used with the Egret II Mini arcade cabinet or as a PC arcade stick (with the proper drivers).
The Cross|Up allows you to simultaneously use a joystick and buttons to input directions, creating new possibilities.
The Frame1 calls itself the most advanced in its class, and it is quite reminiscent of the B0XX but with enough differences.
Joytron provides its own spin on this enclosure, this time in the Ultra Fighter Edition incarnation and different artwork.